Monday, December 12, 2011

With shy girls, things must be taken slower, and no immediate do I deal with her?

I approached her today and said ';that was great, you sang really well';. I could talk to her next thursday too as we have Rock Workshop at the end of every thursday...when should i offer to buy her lunch uptown one breaktime? next couple of thursdays? i should take things slowly. both of us are basically introverts lol we are polite and friendly. lot of advice on here involves chatting up girls with all the touching and whatnot obvious signals. I'm just interested in her. I don't generally go out my way to get friends let alone a girlfriend.With shy girls, things must be taken slower, and no immediate do I deal with her?
i don't know exactly your situation but being a shy girl myself being approached and singled out can make me nervous/annoyed. it might take a little longer but you should try getting close to her friends maybe not even her close girl friends but just guys that hang out with them sometimes that way it'll feel more natural to her and not so much like an attack. The signal thing is super hard and they'll probably mean for you to go away/'brushing you off' at first because she feels uncomfortable in social situations but stubborness aside keep trying for a while to see if you can break through her barriers if not there's plenty of other girls out there yadayada and all that junk... good luck

Help on how to speak to girls?

This is a embarassing question I am 15 turning 16 and have a muscalar body and girls keep looking and saying hi to me but i dont know how to communicate with them i just say hi and keep going so they think im not intrested or in another scenario im at park or beach whatever and i will be attracted to a girl and ill stand there like a idiot unable to say hi or if i do unable to start a conversation so i will just walk away giving the weird kid impression on another note when im introduced to a girl by a friend and im able to talk very well then very quickly be able to speak with them alone and give them a good impression girls say im kind,sensitive and actually listen and i want to display these traits but it is hard to when your this shy. im very good with computers meeting and chatting with girls but it's not the same. i find im shy with ethier male or female friends and would like to get over it. It is probally why i have a very limited amount of friends please helpHelp on how to speak to girls?
I had the same problem and I swear this works. You just act like a total crazy person and not care about what she thinks. Like seriously go above and beyond what you think would be a normal interaction. This works because since you are shy you are below the line of normal interaction. So, when you get out there like that..... it makes you seem normal.Help on how to speak to girls?
ok! if girls talked to u ,u should talk with them too like:


B:hi,how r u?

G:fine nd u?

B:cool,me too

B:so whts ur name?

G:(any name)

B:wow nice name

and keep tlking tell they say (ok,bye seya tomorrow)

and about friends , now no guy is good

so ,bad boy need a bad boy

and good boy need a good boy

so try to make relationship with some one just like u

and best wishes guy! ;)
open your mouth

make noise come out

speak the same language as them

perhaps a letter to them

and put it in a bottle

throw it in the ocean

and then when someone finds it

in about 30 years

you'll know how to talk to girls.
If you think a girl's cute just ask her what she likes and what grade she's in, and maybe if she is urghhh, then just ignore her and walk away.
I think just start a conversation going. Just say hi and then say how are you and what do you like to do and soon enough, the conversation will roll faster than a train. :)
Haha puff
lol i love what banana said. she got my vote for best answer if a vote takes place.
There's no easy solution when it comes to overcoming shyness. The only way you can really manage it is to just throw yourself out there. Put caution to the wind and just start talking. A lot of times, I used to find myself being very shy and would sort of alienate myself from others. The way I got over it was to just open up to people. Be honest and just try to take small steps. Talking to a partner in class or something, just making small talk, can help a lot. If you can make them laugh or get them interested, ask for their AIM screenname or myspace. If they give you one, start talking to them more. Small talk can go a long way, and you often find yourself talking a lot more. Once you feel comfortable with them, ask for a phone number, or to hang out. It might be a little awkward at first, but just remember: they're interested. They're taking a risk. Make it worth their while!
Just go where you have the most fun. Try not to be shy, people are far less impressive than you think they are. So don't take yourself too seriously and be afraid to talk to people. You only have a limited time to live. You gonna waste it on being shy?

I was really shy once myself, at around your age too. Never could talk to girls. Then I realized that they want friends as much as you do, so there's nothing to be afraid about.

And if you try to be out going an embarrass yourself, so what? We've all been there. It's nothing new. The people who laugh have been in the same situations.

They all just plain old people. Nothing to be shy about around them.

Just go where you have the most fun.
Okay, I think I can help. I am shy too, but am forced to be social because I deal with a lot of different people in my job with many different personalities, ages, etc. Anyway, I have to maintain a confident exterior regardless of what is going on on the inside. Anyway, I've been doing this for years and it helps soooo much. Have ten or so 'stock' conversation starters. They just need to be simple, like ';Hey, what's up?'; or ';You're really GOOD at that!'; The main thing to remember is to try to only talk about things that involve them. Don't talk about yourself unless asked and when answering, don't be secretive, but keep your answers simple. People really only want to talk about themselves. Once you get the ball rolling, it just gets easier. Force yourself to start conversations. It's easier on the person who actually starts off first. You'll start to realize it's not as scary as you thought. The stock conversation starters have always helped me.

How to be better at talking to girls?

OK, guys-- I really need help! I suck at talking to girls... In fact, I just suck at talking to people in general. I have a very small circle of friends and even though I am friendly to everyone I talk to, I just don't seem to have the kind of charm that draws in girls, or friends in general! I'm just a really shy guy. Anyway, today I blew it! What happened, you ask? Well, it was my first day of university today and I was lost, but of course, I wasn't the only one who was lost on campus-- today, I met the prettiest and sweetest girl I've ever seen in my life and we were both lost, both looking for the same building, so she approached me to ask if I knew where we were going. Well, I responded accordingly, and then we were walking in silence trying to figure out where to go. Because she was really friendly, she was really making an effort to try and have a conversation, but stupid me had nothing to say to her at all! I was quite tongue tied and eventually, we parted ways without even a goodbye! Now I feel really rotten because of my inept social skills. I mean, how lucky for me to actually be approached by a pretty girl who actually wants to have a conversation... AND I BLEW IT!! Don't get me wrong-- I'm not saying I wanted to make her my girlfriend or anything like that (FIRST DAY??!), I just wish I was a better conversationalist! If I was, I might have made a new friend today, but I really suck and I feel bad. I've never had a girlfriend before, and to be honest, I only have one or two female friends who I sometimes talk to, but other than that, I don't really know how to talk to girls at all. I have only brothers, and almost entirely male friends. I've decided that university is the start of adult life and I want NOW to be the time when I turn things around, otherwise I may never have a girlfriend until I'm old and wealthy (and she'll only want me for my money XD!!) But anyway, please help-- how can I be better at chatting up girls? Bear in mind, I'm really shy and quite withdrawn, but I'd like to change that. Please help with any tips/advice? Thanks. ;)How to be better at talking to girls?
Man, I'm getting really tired- literally, I'm yawning right now, I think I'm on the internets too much.

First, may I *cringe* for a second? Man, that sucks. That girl sounded really, really cute and friendly, and at the very least, you could've had a hot acquaintance to see around campus.

But what I tell other guys in your situation I'll tell you. You'll never be good with girls if you don't practice being confident and charming around them. You need to stop being afraid of rejection and just start talking to all different types of girls. Make drastic changes to your lifestyle and how you view yourself- the steps you take are ultimately up to you. But either way, if you want to talk to more girls and be attractive to women, you need to start talking to them.You can be confident and attractive- you just need to believe in yourself and work hard (Wow, I sound like a Disney movie).

Trust me, if you don't overcome this fear now, it'll be much harder to do so later in life.

Ok, sleep time for me, but please, even if you don't want to give me best answer or anything, send me an email or add me as a contact or something, and I'll for sure get back to you- I'll give you more detailed tips and advice.How to be better at talking to girls?
i no you asked for guys but this is my take i love shy guys and if you want to make conversation just talk about something random like the weather although that is kid of cliche at least shell know that your trying and that means a lot no matter what though dont make it awkward that always leads to a quick goodbye.
Relax, you have a whole semester wtih her so chances are you will see her again. Approach her like one of the guys, ask her how she's doing, what shes majoring etc etc. Don't drag out the conversations too long at first. Girls like a clean guy, fresh hair cut, clean shaved, healthy skin. Hit up the gym and get fit not only will it boost your energy level but it attracts women. Go out and have fun, you'll just have to go out and approach people and talk to them knowing that they may ignore youu, and if they don't than you succeeded on fighting your fear. good luck
Just relax and imagine you're talking to a guy-- remember, girls are humans too and you talk to them in the same way you talk to anyone else. There really aren't any ';special rules'; or anything. Just be yourself, and forget about the person'r femininity and just think of it as talking to anyone else who you talk to. Other than that, being fit and smart will not only boost your chances, but it will boost your confidence as well because you'll feel good about yourself. If you can learn to appreciate yourself, then other people, girls included, will start to like and appreciate you too. good luck.
The easiest way to improve your conversational skills is to ask a lot of open ended questions. It forces the other person to do most of the talking and makes you seem smarter and more interested
hmmm... it's tough to overcome shyness and social awkwardness, but it is definitely possible. i think the best way is just to throw yourself into social situations. join a club, a debate team, attend concerts, events, whatever. find a good friend that will do these things with you. your friend will ease the social situations, make you more comfortable, and actually help you open conversations with people and make new friends. the more practice you have, the more comfortable you will become talking to new people. you will probably still be pretty shy, but i think what matters is that you are able to build a level of comfort in social situations in which you can be yourself. i'm a pretty shy person as well, but i've grown pretty confident from the sociable atmosphere that i've pushed myself into many a times.

oh yes, and girls like guys who are confident. if you aren't confident tallking to people in general, i think you need to improve on that before you starting focusing on talking to girls. once confidence is built, talking to girls will just come naturally.

How to be better and talking to girls?

I've recently started university and there are a lot of really interesting and pretty girls everywhere, but I'm no good at chatting up girls. I barely have any female friends at all; maybe girls just don't find me interesting, so obviously from what I've just mentioned, you would be correct to assume I have never had a girlfriend. But i want to change that now that I'm in university-- I don't mean I'm looking for a girlfriend specifically-- I just mean I would like to also have female friends and to be better at talking to girls. I just find it hard; maybe I'm too self conscious or it's psychological or something! Like today, I sat opposite this REALLY pretty girl on the bus home and I couldn't say a word to her... in fact, I couldn't even raise my head to look in her direction so I spent the whole journey looking at my feet! I know what you're probably thinking: this guy is pathetic. You're probably right to say that, but I want to change it. So please, any tips on how to be better at conversing with girls? I would really appreciate feedback from actual girls on this matter, but guys are more than welcome to share some tips as well, please. Thanks. ;-)How to be better and talking to girls?
Dude, I totally know how you feel. I was exactly the same way, and still can be at times. It was really hard at first, but it got easier as time went on. Relaxing is the best thing to do first. The way I got through it was to talk to women online, as I found it hard to talk to them in person. As I got to know some women online, I found it a bit easier to talk to the face to face.

I never had a girlfriend till a about 5 years ago, and now I've been married for almost 3 years. It'll take some time to get to where you feel comfortable talking with girls, but you'd be surprised how well you will do once you get past the nervousness you feel at the beginning. If your university has a community chat page, or if friends you know have female friends that they could get you talking to online, it might get you to where you begin to feel easier about talking to them in person. Good luck!How to be better and talking to girls?
Be yourself and ask their opinions on things.

Inside tip: Our game is 'hard to get'. Please don't use it against us too much.
Well, speaking from a girl's point of view, all boys are stupid. I'd like to say that you don't have a chance. But the truth is girls are pretty stupid too. Whereas boys only seem to talk or pay any attention to the pretty ones, girls are flattered with every type of boy that's out there.

So you just look at a girl and smile, and most probably she will want to be friends with you forever. Seriously, even if you talk to her while going bright red, she will find that just so flattering and will probably be stupid and creepy enough to immediately fall in love with you.

Be warned.
Have confidence!

Don't be selective of the girls you choose to talk to. Don't aim to talk to only pretty girls, but talk to ALL girls and build up your confidence as you gain experience and mature in this area.
From my personal experience, I would first be friends with girls when learning how to converse with girls because you'll realize females aren't as different from males as you think and even a pretty girl is fine to converse as long as you aren't being creepy. A common trait is for guys to go overboard in being friendly to a girl to the point where the girl is put off especially if, and usually only if, the guy isn't ';cute'; enough for her standards. On the other side is being too overcome my lack of experience in the realm of females to even engage at all. I would open conversation in an appropriate setting and with humor or a cool/interesting point to grab her attention and want to be friends even if not romantically. I'm not putting a source because for this question it is largely irrelevant as we are talking about people, not information.
I guess u can chat with me or email me for practice hahahaha i'm just kidding but yeah to start a good visual communication u have to start it with a good verbal and written communication. ask ur sister or ur girl friend to train u. well, i'm as a girl sometimes like a shy guy like u but we just can smile from the distance cuz u know we want u guys to step forward to us....good luck!!!!
Be yourself and look at her as if she isn't going to bite your head off. Women are just like men, we talk and get interested in different things, like to be accepted.. Blah blah blah

Point is to just relax and be yourself. Don't be so scared, go up to her and ask her what she is studying or what she thinks of the school. Smile, relax and think of her as someone you've known your whole life but haven't seen in a long while.

I think its really good that you want to be more confident.

The best thing is to start with a little smile. The more smiles you give and get back the more confident you will get.

If you see people on a regular basis a Hello, Good morning or some simple comment like ';nice shoes, its hot today'; anything like that can start a conversation!

Remember girls are human too and some will feel exactly the same way about boys as you feel about girls!

So you're not alone.

If you want to we can connect our profiles then you can see that girls really have the same thoughts and ideas as boys.

What about joining clubs where you will have to interact with girls its a safe environment and you can discuss the activity you're doing so you already have a common ground.
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  • How to chat with someone when most IM systems are blocked?

    I need to chat with my girl but where she's msn, gtalk, yahoo and all other IM systems are blocked. Can you recommend a way to chat or at least something better than just sending emailsHow to chat with someone when most IM systems are blocked?
    try popular choice) or if there is a proxy server that blocks the im sys then try circumventors( anonymisers (JAP, to chat with someone when most IM systems are blocked?

    It's all of the IM systems in a web based form.
    Try web IM's

    if u r in the same network.. then use IPMSG.. this does not need internet connection when used in the same LAN

    A girls advice please.....?

    Hiya, I need some advice on a situation!,

    I am in a relationship of 4 and a half years and really love the person im with, we very rarley argue, we like the same things, we go out and have fun together, ect ect ect, obviously we have been through alot together as that is along time..girls imaine thats you!!

    i have been very understanding of bloke things, i dont mind if he has porno's, he (on occasions like birthdays) mite go to a strip club which im not too bothered about, but ive recently found he has been chatting to girls on the internet, i know this as i signed up as someone else and have been talking to him for a about a week!, how many of you would draw the line there, i dont know whats the best thing to do?, i love him and want to be with him, but i cant help but think if hes doing that what else is he doing, also i dont know what hes saying to other girls, what would you do, would there be any particular questions you would ask him as this ';secret girl'; realy stuck :-(A girls advice please.....?
    As this ';secret girl';, ask him if he has someone special. I wouldn't be bothered if he's got this other side of him. But I'd draw the line when he starts meeting other girls from the internet you know. Go talk to him. If he's serious about you and your relationship, he'll lay off the ';other stuff';. It may be healthy for him but it sure is not relationship wise. Just talk to him about it. Goodluck.A girls advice please.....?
    Approach him, and talk to him about the situation.
    continue to chat with him and eventually try to meet with him... if he does meet with you, as his email buddy, then you know exactly where you stand and should break up with him.. sorry, but that's the facts.
    before you draw the line ask him flirtatious questions as this secret girl and see how he acts...if he seems to be getting to friendly you need to talk to him...he may just be doing it to see pics of other girls and you're already giving him permission to do so...good luck
    See how personal he is willing to get with you on the net. Then run as fast as you can and dont look back. He's a user and a loser.
    Maybe if conversations save you could check up on them? you dont wanna be to sneaky.. it could lead to arguments about not trusting eachother... if its bothering you that he is talking to girls on the net.. then you shoudnt tlk to guys... i dont know... maybe try the convo saving thing.. if it dont work.. talk to him
    I think one question you should ask is ';Do you have a girlfriend?'; And you know exactly what to do if he says ';No'; right? But on the other hand.. checking up on him like that will make him feel that you don't trust him. The only thing you can do I guess is to confront him straight out. If he argues, defends himself, and gets mad at you, then he's not worth it because if he loves you and knows that you love him, then it is only natural for you to want to know the truth.
    What the??????? Man you lost me at the ect ect ect.........I thought it was etc etc no speaka your run on, no makea sentence's................
    boys are boys, no matter how good he is, once in his life he will turn left. but in doing so don't really mean he don't love you anymore. if there is someone who knows him, its you. just cross your fingers and hope for the best. just be honest about the situation and accept his opinions.
    talk to him as secret girl and see how far he is willing to go. you never know you may be supprised?? he might just be talking to these girls and nothing else. if he is willing to go further confront him
    OK, my boyfriend does this all the time, the same stuff you described. The pornos, the strip clubs, the chatting with other girls,. I have been with him for over 10 years. When I first found out that he was chatting with other women, it didn't bother me at all, since I know that they are not here with him, they are not the ones that does his laundry and does not hold him at night.

    In short, trust your man. And as this ';secret'; girl, have you ever asked him if he has a girlfriend?
    Move on! You are not stuck nor really stuck. You've gotten involved with someone who has ';another side';, a ';private life';. This other side will remain hidden even should you bring everything into the open and he promises to be a different man from this day forward.

    1. The hidden life is almost always dark

    2. The hidden life requires that he live a lie

    3. The hidden life means you have a false relationship

    4. Eventually what is hidden will show it's tail and you will be hurt

    5. You cannot have a normal relationship, everything will be twisted.

    I encourage you to be decisive and choose a better relationship. You've been naive. You can be a fool once, but hopefully, not twice.
    Ask him about his opinion about chatting. Ask him, does he chatting with other girls. If he tells a lie, then he doesn't deserve you.
    If it was me I would as him up font what he is playing at and then see what he has to say for him self.

    If I was the secret girl first thing I would ask is if he has a girlfriend and what he is looking for on the site.
    what i would ask him is '; hey so you got any girlfriends??'; or.....have you already asked dat...

    it's kind of tricky..coz you never know when you will get caught?? or why not do this just tell him that it's you, and say that your very upset about it and that you dont like it!! tell him straight away!! just ask him how he would feel if you were secretly chatting with other guys??
    I kinda agree with Sweetgurl. Ask him if he has a girlfriend, and see what he says. Take it from there.

    Help please girls and guys!!?

    howdy!..i am going out with some friends tonight and need advise on how to start talking to girls and dance with them etc?? a really shy guy when it comes to chatting up girls and have not had much experience so please advise me on what i can do to get the ball rolling??thanks yallHelp please girls and guys!!?
    add me to yahoo and I will help you 1 on 1

    Help please girls and guys!!?
    if you have drinks or something just say cheers and start talking with them.
    Get Wasted!
    Be nice and compliment them.
    Just chill and relax, that is the best way to start a conversation, dont be too pushy though.
    Make her laugh. Act silly.

    Girls love funny guys

    If you dont know how to dance. Just try and make it in a jokingly way.

    It'll make her laugh
    try to be confident!!! Chat to them normally, dont get nervouse.

    just be urself dont be someone ur not, dont look as thoguh ur looking for sumthin, jus be calm and show that all you want to do is have fun:)

    good luck youll have fun!!
    well all you have to do is join a conversation. if something is said that interests you, make sure you say that! :) its not hard. once you get the hang of it you will be fine!
    Have quite a bit to drink, your shyness will disappear and before you know it, you are speaking to the girls.
    Small talk first and get to know her, then b4 you know it you'll have confidence, you could drink a bit but not TOO much, that's when people get stupid and you'll probably scare her away.
    have a few drinks to loosen your tongue - but dont get drunk and sloppy! Just ask them if they're having a good night - do they have work/college in the morning - that kind of thing!

    first of all look good be up to date with style and smell good ( girls love that )

    be your self.

    just make conversation like hi smile a Lil.ask her (her name)

    complement on on how she look.

    offer her to bye her a drink or something. when u in the party.

    if u going to the clubs i suggest u do all the talking in the car cause when u in the party u can not here anything with the music

    ask her to dance. hope she is not shy cause that will be really hard 4 me to explain in word to u

    ask her if she like this song make sure it a popular song so u know the answer is yes OK take her hand a go dance with keep it not too sexy at first when u dancing cause u do not know her to well as yet then the rest should come natural

    make her laugh ok and make her smile from time to time get her to like u and think u cool and she will just come out and be her self around u hope that help ok

    just be your self

    if you want more help add this
    don't ask from the girls they are mean try going on all the guys opinions
    Don't worry about being shy. I can't stand blokes that are in my face and loud!

    Be friendly, and if you can make a girl smile then that's a bonus!

    Best place to start is probably the bar, ask how she is and if she's having a good night. It should all just flow from there. If you are genuinely interested in the girl it will show.

    Have fun!
    First of all i think you need to dress to impress and smell good. If you know you look good then you will have more confidence straight away. You could also have a drink for dutch courage but don't have to much because the next step is dutch d**khead and that's not impressive. If you can't dance dint try and pull on the dance floor go to a girl at the bar and just start general chit chat with her don't try and hit on her and then the more women you speek to the easier it will become to start conversation with girls that you like. Hope this helps.

    I warned my finace yet he choose other girls over me wht should i do?

    me n my finace are in long distance relation since 5 yrs now..he says he loves me but never stopped talking to girls whom i really hate.......every time i have caugth him red handed our relaiton has been on the verge of break of coz he cant stop talking to girls...although he talks he dosent like me tlaking to any guys even for work...

    whenever i caught him red handed talking to girls he lied to me every single time tht he wasnt talking or they r all his sisters.they r old friends..every time eh promises me tht he wont talk yet he again lies n contacts them soem or the other way...last time i had warned him that if i catch him again i wont marry him..he said sorry to me tht time.but few days ago i discovered tht he was again chatting with girls.

    i asked him who is more imp to him his finace or other girls n yet he argued tht i never gave such condition on him tht i wont marry him if he talks to girls...he igonres me comeplety.n.yet shows off infront fo every1 how much he loves meI warned my finace yet he choose other girls over me wht should i do?
    If you are that possessive.Call the hole thing off if you get marred it will be hell on earthI warned my finace yet he choose other girls over me wht should i do?
    If you're in the sort of relationship where neither you nor your fiance are able to talk to people of the opposite sex, you are not in the sort of relationship that is marriage material.

    If he was kissing these women, or trying to bed them, it would be different. It is not wrong in any way for your fiance to speak to other women. You need to trust him, you will never last if you aren't allowed speaking to people of the opposite sex.
    is he only talkin to them or is there more goin on? I guess if u can't handle him talkin to them and he wont stop for you that just shows how much or how little u mean to him, especially when he doesnt like u talkin to other guys. Just talk to heaps of guys and throw it back in his face, if he overreacts dump the loser and find yaself a real man who respects u and loves u completely
    Leave him alone, find someone who is willing and only wants to be with you. You are being foolish just by sticking with him because obviously he isn't ready to be committed to just one girl.
    So what's the problem here? Why are still with him? He's a dog, a liar and you are a fool! He will keep doing this and you know why.....because you've accepted it for five years!!!
    yall might need 2 call the wedding off...................or get counseling
    He cheats on you and you forgive him and he still does it and you're aware of it and you haven't ended it? I understand that you want to make it work but he's a dog, as depicted by his redundant actions. Break it off with him, please. Unless you can deal with this when you are married. There are a lot of other guys out there who would treat you the way you should be treated. Leave he and his girls alone, besides he might catch something.
    Dump him. I think he's trying to have his cake and eat it too. He parades you around to demonstrate what a great guy he is, but as soon as you're gone he chatting up every other piece of tail that will give him the time of day and ignoring you.

    If he was just having casual conversations, and was completely honest about it, that would be different. But since he's lying about it and ignoring you, it makes me think he's playing the field.
    Do you want to know why he ignores your feelings? Because every time you have caught him red handed, your relationship has been ON THE VERGE of breaking up. On the verge??? Give me a break! In plain English, that means you ranted and raved for a while, he threw some lies and lame excuses your way, and in the end you let him get away with it. That is the reason why it's still going on.

    Wake up and smell the coffee, honey. Your so-called fiance is a liar and a cheater. THIS is who you want to spend the rest of your life with??? Thought not. So do what you should have done the first time you caught him and kick him to the curb already. You can do better.
    if he were really in love with you when you follow through on ur threat he'll try to make it up to you and all that... so you can get back with him and make sure you are given info to contact all the grls and confirn that they are old friends/ sisters
    As long as you *Put up with it he will keep doing it
    Does he meet this other girls is anything going on or are you just jealous. If you have reason to believe he is unfaithful then the answer is clear to me dump him. To me you sound like there is reason to dump him. He may very well be still shopping around for another girl or he may really love you. Or he might just be commitment phobic. Your not married yet and it isn't to late to back out. Go with your gut.
    If you asked him, not to talk to these particular girls, and he continues to do so, then that means that he's not respecting your wishes, and that you should evaluate. You can't be one sided in a relationship, if he tells you not to conversate with men, and you don't but yet he can do whatever he chooses to do then, Screw him, and think about your feelings. I personally don't see anything wrong with holding a general conversation with anybody, but if that what you guys agreed to then both of your wishes should be respected. Talk it out again, and this time put some stipulations on him, and if that doesn't work, then you guys shouldn't get married, because love obviously isn't enough.
    you both probably need to grow up and find other people. people you can trust
    hello, i see red warning all over!!! ur guy is a complete jerko. i know u love him and all but hey, can u really see urself happily married with him? u should think many, many times before marrying this guy cos he sound like a player to me. dnt ever think he'l change his ways once u guys are married. or u might regret it for the rest of ur life. if he really loves u, he'l respect you. he's honest with you and most of all, u should be the center of his universe. that's how love is.goodluck! other girls, as you talking to other men, should not a problem for either one of you. to say or do otherwise is a control factor. except, if flirting or beyond. casual conversation hurts no one. it is when it goes beyond casual talk that it becomes a problem.

    you tolerated it passed the first time. he know that you won't do anything about it, and does not take you seriously. he has openly shown disrespect and disregard for your feelings, and the relationship between the two of you.

    will he stop? no. not even when you are married. infact the situation only becomes worse. further beyond, and more lies, and more deception. is this the type of ';happily ever after you've always dreamed of';??? i think not.

    when a red flag first presents itself in a relationship, it isn't about him anymore, it is about you. how much respect you have for yourself and what you will and won't tolerate out of that self respect.

    good luck,

    its your problem your should have dumped him long ago

    What do you say when you chat with girl?

    after saying ';hi, how are you'; and some question, I can't say any thing more to my girlfriends. what can I do pleaseWhat do you say when you chat with girl?
    ask her what she's been up to, tell you miss her you just wanted to chat, hope this helps; I really hate when guy friends ignore my texts, so text her back if she texted you first, its rude not to.What do you say when you chat with girl?
    tlk 2 her about normal tings lik ask her wat did she do lst nite ten she wil tel u ten wil problly ask u , u answr and tat starts a conversaton
    hi, i am a girl and some people have tried to flirt with me. what they said was things like you have nice eyes, a cute face and you are fit. i praised them as well when i said that they had a handsome face with sparkling eyes and they had a good six pack. they seemed to be quite shocked specially when i told them that they were fit.

    you should try asking girls what they think of you. they might say that you are fit. they might say that you are good looking or you are friendly but you need to change yourselves. the tips that they give should be appreciated and used. change yourself and become even fitter. then you should try to flirt with these girls.

    another way to flirt with them is that you should help them in different situations. this could be work, if a person has died, they want somebody to go out with them or if they have broken up with somebody. you should help them more than ever and they will remember you. when this happens you should ignore them.

    i mean talk to them but try to talk to them as little as possible. they would want you even more.

    then when you see them again try to tease them. i mean not dis them or bully them but tease them like they might laugh. you might say that you are in love with someone and the romantic teases. then they might start to blush and they will remember this. if they aren't shy then you should ask them out. if they are shy then continue to take them to places. your job is done if they aren't shy but if they are then please read on...

    you should secretly spy on them and they might be looking at an image of you. if you see a picture of you then go up to them and say 'you were secretly staring at my image. you miss me more then ever. maybe the thing which i said about you falling in love is true and that too with me'. if they say that you are wrong then try to flirt more and try to make them jealous. you will see that they will come up to you one day.

    there is much more to do to get a girlfriend then just 'hi, how are you'. you need to sort your personality and appearence. then you need to flirt. you might use the tips i gave or if you still don't have her love then you can search it up on the internet. there will always be more then what i told you on the internet.

    many thnx

    bani saha

    How to chat flirt with girl?

    I have a huge crush on a 17year old girl for years now and a dont know how to start a conversation with her ,cause we are at some distance we could only chat over internet for now.How to chat flirt with girl?
    compliments. all the way.How to chat flirt with girl?
    tell her she's beautiful and how pretty you noticed her eyes were..drives em crazy. just randomly put it in the conversation

    answer mine
    first of all if u know her be like heyyy i havent talked to you or seen you in ages how have you been :) thats how u can start it off but if u dont know her u could say heyy im (Name) . I know this seems awkward but thats the only wayy its gonna brea the ice to talk to her. and if u do talk to her be funny because if not the conversation will be boring and she will not like you. this is coming from a girl so this is totally the right approachh .
  • email
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  • Start a text chat with this girl I like? (GIRLS HELP!!! 10 EASY POINTS!)?

    So theres a girl I really like and I want to go out with her before school closes for summer. We've exchanged cell #'s and yeah (were friends too). I can never find her at school so I was hoping to text her.

    How should I start a text conversation with her? I'm scared shel think Im weird if I just text: ';hey whats up?'; I mean its random and pretty weird......right? How should I start the text convo?Start a text chat with this girl I like? (GIRLS HELP!!! 10 EASY POINTS!)?
    first say hey whats up and then if she says something and then says u? tell her ur listening to some sort of your favorite music, and music seriously BRINGS PEOPLE TOGETHER im not kidding the bond people have over music is incredible and just start talking about that... hope that helps, good luckStart a text chat with this girl I like? (GIRLS HELP!!! 10 EASY POINTS!)?
    I think you should go with ';Hey what's up?'; or ';How was your day?'; Anything else will probably be extremely random or strange. Good luck!

    I,d like to chat with british can i do?

    get a pen palI,d like to chat with british can i do?
    Move to britan and you just spoke to me so HIIII!!!I,d like to chat with british can i do?
    use yahoo messenger
    hi i'm british...there you go! mission accomplished
    Try going to yahoo Chat and Go to There Country cchat room and talk to them

    easy as!
    Go on msn ill give you addies.
    just move to England
    join facebook or myspace
    forums, chat rooms ( not recommended), get a pen pal or go on holiday to the uk or go to university

    or email
    go to an irish pub
    yahoo mess
    Agreed! Myspace, Facebook, MSN or Yahoo Messenger etc!

    Take a vacation over here. Stay in a city (ie London) and meet loads of people. Personally if a girl has non-uk accent, I find that kinda sexy and a great way to start a conversation!
    Email, MSN, myspace, etc....
    go into a chat room i talk with english girls all the time in

    email her

    How to find chats and online hot girl chats?

    I sometimes can get signed on to messenger, but when i'M THERE i DON'T KNOW HOW TO FIND THE chat rooms. Also, how can I get some replies for hot girls who want to chat on-line. I can type one handed and would love the chance to!! Someone, please get in contact with me about this.How to find chats and online hot girl chats?
    try the yahoo chat rooms.

    How Can I know If a girl is lying to me or not?

    The thing is that I was chatting withthis girl for a while and we admitted that we love or atleast have feelinggs for each other She is from America and I am from India well she knows that too .Well then she asked me to come see her ,Well my studies are still going and I dont have enough money also but i do want to go and see her.I discussed the matter with my friends and they said that i was crazy.And adviced me that all american girls are like this

    and that she was fooling me into this.But i still dont belive that she could ever do that!Cause she is so Pure!!!Well but the conversation with my friends have triggered me into a doubt.Could anyone Please Help Me!! And also she says that she never had a boy friend in her life because she was afraid to confront a boy Face to Face Could this really Happen ins a country like America? But i Still Love Her and will find A solution to Meet Her.Well I am 17

    and she is 18 .Please help Me.......How Can I know If a girl is lying to me or not?
    Lie detector.How Can I know If a girl is lying to me or not?
    As a young American girl myself I'm advising you not to go. If she truly likes you she will accept your choice to stay in India to finish your studies. This girl could be lying or could just be having a good time with you but in the end, I'd tell her that you have to finish and 1 day you may go.

    Report Abuse

    if sheis lying she is lying. if she isn't then she isn't.
    young American girls that talk online to foreign men, majority of the time they wont really take it seriously , they see it as this fun thing and some one to talk to, its not surprising she lied,meeting lovers online isn't really the best place either, its so easy for people to lie online, every thing is in the form of words you cant really sense if some one is or not, if i were you i might still talk to her as a friend but find some one closer to you for love, or if you want an American girl come here?
    That's a long way to travel to meet someone you've only been talking to on the internet. Both of you are young as well. If it is a hardship for you to come to America(and it sounds like it is) don't waste your money. Also, if you have doubts that should answer your question as well. What are your intentions with relationship anyway? And yes, even in AMERICA, some girls are shy and afraid to talk to boys. Continue to talk via email and IM. Maybe down the line an oppurtunity will present itself for both of you to meet face to face.
    If a woman is breathing, she is most likely lying

    How Can I know If a girl is lying to me or not?

    The thing is that I was chatting withthis girl for a while and we admitted that we love or atleast have feelinggs for each other She is from America and I am from India well she knows that too .Well then she asked me to come see her ,Well my studies are still going and I dont have enough money also but i do want to go and see her.I discussed the matter with my friends and they said that i was crazy.And adviced me that all american girls are like this

    and that she was fooling me into this.But i still dont belive that she could ever do that!Cause she is so Pure!!!Well but the conversation with my friends have triggered me into a doubt.Could anyone Please Help Me!! And also she says that she never had a boy friend in her life because she was afraid to confront a boy Face to Face Could this really Happen ins a country like America? But i Still Love Her and will find A solution to Meet Her.Well I am 17

    and she is 18 .Please help Me.......How Can I know If a girl is lying to me or not?
    It is always tempting to believe all that you read in a nother person's letters. But to be honest with you, and I am a woman of experience, so I know, many girls enjoy the power of toying with a man's emotions.

    You wrote:

    And adviced me that all american girls are like this

    This is not true, through there are many. This girl may indeed be very shy but I sincerely doubt it. She asks you to come to America to meet with her because she knows you can't afford the money, or time away from your studies. It is a safe request she can make to ';prove'; she cares about you and makes you look as if you don't care for her as much as she cares for you.

    If she really cares for you, she would be trying to help find enough money to help pay for your flight over and back. Has she offered?

    You wrote:

    And also she says that she never had a boy friend in her life because she was afraid to confront a boy Face to Face Could this really Happen ins a country like America?

    Yes, sadly we as a culture, grant status and love to the more attractive people. Those with less than perfect looks are often left to lonliness. She may be afraid of rejection.

    Why not test her? Tell her you may have found a way to get the money. Ask her to set a date for your arrival. If she's overjoyed, she's sincere but if she makes a lot of excuses and refuses to set a firm date, then she's playing with you. You can explain later that you were unable to raise the money.

    It is my advice that you find a girl closer to home. Long distance romances are painful and almost never work out.How Can I know If a girl is lying to me or not?
    .. are her lips moving?

    (sorry ladies! .. he set it up, I just had to knock it down.)

    Seriously, though, it seems a bit extreme to come all the way to America to see an 18 year old girl that you've only chatted with. I don't believe that all American girls are this way, but I do think that it's a little too much to ask you to travel all the way from India at great expense to yourself both monetarily and emotionally. You will understand this a bit later, but this really is just a _girl_. If the two of you were older, and had really decided that you were _truly_ in love, then my answer would be much different. As it is, if I were you, I may continue to talk to the girl, but I wouldn't travel halfway round the world for her just yet.

    I saw my fiance chatting up girls from his past on facebook... What to do?

    Ok let me start out by saying that he is really not into the whole social networkign thing an only recently got on facebook when we had a fight and werent speaking to eachother. because he sai im always on it.

    After he told me he created it, I broke into it today lol... ok please dont juge i know i know!! But anyway, I found that he contacted some pretty hot looking girl and wrote on her wall yada yada long time no see keep in touch.. and then some girl form his past sent him an email to face book an he replied saying ';hey hun.. bla bla.. we should keep in touch'; He isnt the type to be calling girls hun or stuff like that...

    He did put down that he is in a relationship, even though we were fighting then .. an he did put up 2 of my pictures saying this is my girlfriend. And I noticed that he hasnt been on it since 8 days ago... which is when our fight ended...

    But this just makes me wonder, because im very faithful... if he has any intentions of cheating or has a wandering eye or something... I guess this mae me feel a bit insecure and i dont know how to handle it.. I was always secure with him and now i dont feel i am =(

    Also, should I tell him about all this and how I feel???I saw my fiance chatting up girls from his past on facebook... What to do?
    he just wanted to feel appreciated/ wanted. this is the wrong way to go about doing that of course, but he definitely has no intention of cheating on you or checking out other women. he probably just felt separate from you and just needed some sort of reminder of why he loves and cares for you. talk to him about this and let him know about all of it and how you feel. he'll understand and you guys will both feel better and secure about your relationship. let him know that you love him no matter what the circumstances and that you trust him.I saw my fiance chatting up girls from his past on facebook... What to do?
    jealousy is natural. HOWEVER, it is NOT an excuse to make it your partners problem. any insecurities are YOURS to deal with, NOT him. if you bring your insecurities into the relaitonship, it will ruin it. and vice versa. it doesnt sound like anything serious to be honest, and you should be more trusting.
    I'd keep it quiet b/c he will be really MAD that you broke into his Facebook. Plus, you may not be able to get in there again cuz he'll change his password :) Keep that to yourself and if he keeps acting faithful, let it go- so he was mad and sent some emails. If that progresses, tho, like him starting to call/meet up with women when yall fight, kick him to the curb. I'd get over this Facebook thing, tho.
  • charakterset
  • girl tell you she likes you
  • How to get a nice girl to chat up with me?

    i am single %26amp; a bachelor.... and Lonely too.. So looking out for a GIRLFRIENDHow to get a nice girl to chat up with me?
    be a nice and decent guy.How to get a nice girl to chat up with me?
    Be friendly and make small talk with girls. Be a nice guy. Compliment her genuinely (but not pervy). Listen to what she says and respect her. :) good luck
    IF I SAID U HAD A NICE BODY WOULD YA HOLD IT AGAINST ME ;-D ..... chat up lines are a waste of time, if u wanna get a girl's attention simply start the ...
    Mix up with girls, talk with them, flirt. When you find your love, u'll know. It hits harder than a charging rhinoceros.

    Now be honest with me! How many men are honest about themselves when chatting with girls?

    This guy I just started chatting to seems soooooooooo good. Just wondered if it was too good to be true?Now be honest with me! How many men are honest about themselves when chatting with girls?
    first of all I guarantee that i will get the best answer lol... oh yea you should def. give him a try me personally i'm not a big on online thing never was but like they say never say never ... but i still say give him a try he's giving you a chance right? and i'm sure u wont regret it.... lolNow be honest with me! How many men are honest about themselves when chatting with girls?
    I am honest but I found out that some aren't it is just a chance that you may have to take on your own.
    Dear Friend,

    It's ALLLLLLLL lies.

    Your Friend,

    No,they all r liars.If u like him,u should chat with him more,then u will understand him,depend on u,dont ask again
    it usually is
    i really think that some ppl lie about thenselves, but for the most part yes i do think the ones you think are real usaully are. i know that some ppl use computers to give them a second identy, and then get soo caught up in it that they mess it all up. But for the most part ppl like me use the computer because they are just bored to death, and have no reason to lie about themselves.
    i got nothing to hide, so why lie
    see it changes according to their character i have a girl friend i wont talk with girls which she dont like and she knows everyone whom i talk ok i anm dedicted to my girl i love her there r guys better than me also so believe them but be careful they may talk bad about u in your back that u r coming back of him nu so be careful or he may try to impress u so find out
    There are alot of people who try to act better in front of others,the fact is you never know if there being honest or not.
    most likely sometimes they are.
    You're chatting? Is he near you? If he seems sooo good, perhaps you'll soon meet, and the Truth Will Out.

    Tips on chatting up girls at work?

    I work at a holiday park in the shop there, and I notice that some girls stare at me in a kind of flirty / 'i think your hot' kind of way when I am serving them. Some who are with their mums just glance at me, whilst others who are with their friends laugh or whisper with eachother and sometimes come back a few times during my shift. The other day two girls came in, stood near the counter, I said 'hey you alright?' and they just burst out laughing.

    I do suffer from a slight of lack of confidence, and when I have been hanging out in the camp over the past few weeks I have met a fair few girls which has helped to build this slightly, one last week was constantly flirty and kept on calling me 'fit', I was sitting down on a bench yesterday with a mate and a few groups of girls gave us second glances as they walked pass and according to some girls me and my mate were hanging out with I was walking past some girls and apparently they stared at me and when I had passed said ' f***in hell'. Bsically I just want tips on how to perhaps arrange with grils I think may be intereased to go out sometime, when I am serving people at work.

    Thanks for any tipsTips on chatting up girls at work?
    See, I work in a shop, and i get the guys by playing the 'damsel in distress'. Theres a shelf/item something i cant reach, so i ask them to help and take it from there. It works! Girls like to feel like they can be taken care of. Try getting off the till and helping them out? you can spark up conversation, as soon as they mention something like a film/food/drink/activity, suggest you do it together! Voila! Works every time!

    Tips on chatting up girls quickly?

    I work at a holiday park in the shop there, and I notice that some girls stare at me in a kind of flirty / 'i think your hot' kind of way when I am serving them. Some who are with their mums just glance at me, whilst others who are with their friends laugh or whisper with eachother and sometimes come back a few times during my shift. The other day two girls came in, stood near the counter, I said 'hey you alright?' and they just burst out laughing.

    I do suffer from a slight of lack of confidence, and when I have been hanging out in the camp over the past few weeks I have met a fair few girls which has helped to build this slightly, one last week was constantly flirty and kept on calling me 'fit', I was sitting down on a bench yesterday with a mate and a few groups of girls gave us second glances as they walked pass and according to some girls me and my mate were hanging out with I was walking past some girls and apparently they stared at me and when I had passed said ' f***in hell'. Bsically I just want tips on how to perhaps arrange with grils I think may be intereased to go out sometime, when I am serving people at work.

    Thanks for any tipsTips on chatting up girls quickly?
    Just be nice to them mate

    Men: Do you approach women when you go out or do you wait to be approached? Ladies: Do you ever chat up guys?

    I'm asking because only ONE of my male friends ever chats up girls when we go out, there's a group of about 12 of us, girls and guys. One of the guys always speaks to girls, if he sees one he likes he'll just walk over and start up a conversation. I've never gone with him so I haven't a clue what he says or asks or whatever, I've always wondered what he does!? lol.

    As far as the girls go, not a single one of them approaches men. One of my best friends will maybe sit next to a couple of guys at a table or whatever, and sort of 'encroach' on the conversation by listening to what they are saying and then just piping up and joining in. But that is about it.

    I'm the same as they are. 'Stand Around and Look Pretty'. We call it.

    But I do admit, it is a little silly.

    So what I'd like to know is, what do you guys do? What is your technique (if you have one) do you even approach members of the opposite sex when you go out and if so, how and what do you say? :)Men: Do you approach women when you go out or do you wait to be approached? Ladies: Do you ever chat up guys?
    I only really approach someone who has acknowledged me with a smile or a look FIRST or who is right next to me or already walking towards me - I never walk across the room to approach a girl esp if she hasnt even given me any indication of interst first.

    I get ';approcahed'; more than my friends do but (I dunno if its a lot for a guy) but usually its a smile or a passing comment like ';your good-looking'; rather than, ';Hi, my name is...';. More so than often its either a smile or a look or a freind of the girl's telling me her mate likes me (when that happened last I was over like a shot with NO fear cos I knew I WOULDNT be rejected or humiliated cos she'd been staring at me for ages)

    I dont have a line, usually I'm just spontaneous and say something about what she's wearing or what the place is like. If I know the girl likes me cos she's been smiling or staring at me I'm usually very cocky or confident and direct cos I know its OK to be.

    If you like me and are looking at me then make it CLEAR its me you're looking at by SMILING or something....but dont stop till I come over cos many of us men are thinking, ';Is she really looking at ME or someone behind?'; We want to be sure its US you're interested in cos if we're wrong it can really humiliate and embarrass us. If I'm SURE it's ME you're interested in I'll come over and be qute direct, no need to beat about the bush when you've made yourself clear - I'll just say I noticed you noticing me and wanted to say hi.Men: Do you approach women when you go out or do you wait to be approached? Ladies: Do you ever chat up guys?
    as im quite shy i like to have a girl approach me. doesn't happen very often though ;)
    On occasions, if I'm at the bar I mgiht say hi. But most girls go out in agroups so there aint much point approaching as they are busy chatting to mates-besides there isn't much to say.
    Men should approached us (girls) first, don't wait until we set the first move coz we just approach first if we like the guy. Yes, we do chat guy if they will just treat us right i mean if they can approach us in a right manner.

    How do I chat this girl up?

    Ok, so I have fancied this girl who works as a cashier in the bank for two years now maybe. How am I supposed to chat her up behind inch thick bullet proof glass, with my voice being amplified through the speaker so all her colleagues can hear next to her, and with a queue of people waiting behind me? This is proving tricky as you might imagine... I am thinking a hastily scribbled note on a bank slip saying ';hand over all the wait a minute, make that your phone number instead';, although possibly amusing, will more than likely leave me arrested in handcuffs and still date-less... any ideas?How do I chat this girl up?
    compliment + smiles %26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt; ';would you be interested in meeting up for your lunch break tommorow';How do I chat this girl up?
    When you go to the bank and have a form fold it up and out inside your phone number and your home address/ your e-mail address

    good luck with that x
    good idea, but forget about the '' hand me all the money '' thingy.
    That's a good idea. It's witty. If she gets you arrested for that then she has no sense of humour and you can do without her. If she just hands over the money, well then, lucky days!!!!
    great idea with the handing her the slip but just ask for her number and or date and include your name...and make sure its noticable you dont want her passing right by it, or thinking you handing it to her was a mistake.
    Although an entertaining approach, probably not a good idea

    !! So have you talked to her these last two years? Sometimes just a genuine smile and non creepy invite to talk later...... Or just tell her you need to make a large deposit ;)
    can u wait for her to close so that u talk. but first let her be aware that u are waiting for her so she will see that u r the man.hope just looking at her for two years cost u no loses
  • software
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  • How to chat with webcame girls?

    trust me you should not go into those kind of pages all they do is trick you , like they ask you for your credit car number all they want is hack your credit card account , than they will star using it to buy stuff is not really safe , ando other thins theyy tell you that its requiered to download certain programs to be able to watch the video but really is a virus or some other malicious programs. Download porn or buy it its better , or have a nice and safety sexual relationship with a woman .How to chat with webcame girls?
    Before thinking of chatting with webcam girls, beware that you may get trapped financially.

    As no webcam girls will come and talk to you free of cost. You will be asked to subscribe for a limited period to chat with these girls. Most of the sites are just trying to get the details of your card along with your CVV details and atlast you are trapped for financial fradulant activities.

    Instead you better be quiet.

    Have a great / good day not a trap day.How to chat with webcame girls?
    Go to google and search in webcam chats.

    How to chat with girl ?

    hi how to chat with a girl so that conversation is intresting ?i m seeing her daily but i dont know what to chat and how to ask questions while chating pls help meHow to chat with girl ?
    So if you want to chat up a girl begin with listening. Girls like a good listener. She will reveal - that is if you let her - what she is interested in. Now if your head is not tucked away somewhere where it shouldn't be then you will be able to engage in conversation regarding what she is interested in. Intellectual curiosity in this case will be of benefit. In my humble observation there is nothing worse than reading all these techniques on how to chat a girl up and then sound like a robot with pre-canned questions.

    People like spontaneity and surprises. When you are in the moment and listening and not consumed with what you should be saying then trust me opportunities for conversation will arise. Don't fear the awkward silence moment because if you are listening this will not happen. I could write a whole article on listening but for now understand one thing. Fear arises because you want something.

    On the other hand when you are genuinely interested in something then you are naturally curious and want to discover more. As a result you will not be concerned about what you should be saying next. When it comes to conversation don't overstay your welcome. Give her space and take a break. Remember let her do the talking. You learn nothing when your mouth is in gear.

    Have you ever been in a position where you wished you knew what a girl is thinking? If You want to learn the tested psychological secrets of the female mind given to you by a woman because after all only a woman truly knows what a woman wants, then select one of the following links...

    Learn what you NEED to know before approaching a woman.

    In Short,

    When it comes to chatting up girls there really isn't that much magic involved. The biggest mistake most guys make is that they think they know what girls are thinking. Before they even start they have set themselves up for failure. They prejudge with notions like ';she will not like me';.

    When you go online and do a search on how to chat up girls you really come across some interesting stuff. Some of it I have to admit is a little cheesy. Chat up lines that have been used to death. Don't get me wrong there is some good information out there - however some of the techniques are questionable even a little bit comical.

    Trust me you do not need to wear some special cologne or body lotion and try and dazzle a girl with a bunch of BS. Most girls quite frankly can see right through that rubbish.

    The bottom line is this - being successful at picking up girls starts with you taking action. If you never approach a girl you cannot really expect to pick her up. You have to put some effort into it. You do not have to be god's gift to the women you just simply have to go up to her and start a little conversation.

    Now you may suffer from the fear rejection and as a result do nothing, but let me put it to you this way. If you never talk to her you will never get her. At least if you do go up and talk to her you have some chance of developing a relationship with her. So the fact is you have nothing to lose right?

    When chatting up girls at least initially do not get personal. Try and make conversation regarding what is going on around you. Relax and be yourself. As I said if you never talk to her you will never get her so what have you to lose only some false pride.

    The most Important is to be urself

    and never lie to her

    I hope

    I helped u

    BEST OF LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!How to chat with girl ?
    Ask her hey, how are u, how was ur day. Something like that.
    talk about sex and s-h-i-t like that. show her your penis.
    Just chat to em like you would to your buddy
    just go to her and say something funny that makes her laugh,happy do this every day
    Talk to her about school in general.

    What she likes or dislike, example movies, friends in school, what she likes doing on the weekends.
    bring ur manhood and AK-47 so she won't walk away!
    If you want it to be interesting talk about funny stories and see if she'll tell one next.

    the whole ';how are you...'; ';how's school...'; are boring questions. As a girl, we don't like answering those questions.
    well be urself! girls love when u comment on how u look but dont get to over the top with it!!! ask about her too we love to talk so we're bound to keep the convo going unless she likes u!
    some Girls like the One who tell her Poems about her pretty name

    or her pretty Picture start asking her by saying :

    Oh the sun is rising from the chat window Start saying funny words to attract her attention tell her a Joke

    and Now ask her from where our sun is rising?

    Trust me It will work
    dear friend....this is really a silly question....don't mind but it is. Chatting with a girl doesn't require any skills what matters is confidence. Just talk to her as you talk to other girls in your day to day life. just be frank and have a bit of confidence. A non-confident talk such as gaps in between, i.e., uh ah and so. just have a attitude and that too natural attitude. Don't show off or be over confident or it would be wasteful involvement.

    Girls like confident and friendly boys.

    Best of luck. do rate ma answer so that i can ascertain myself.

    I just wanna know how to start a conversation with girls i fancy and i already a ware of many obstacles?

    i just wanna clarify different obstacles that i feel i face begining with the very extreme shyness . iam BLACK single guy and i live in that white area in UK . i go to club almost every three days and i have to admit that iam seeking a nice girl to approach , however i sometimes dismiss the facts of having quite different culture which bring me some fear that some girls feel intimidated to be approached by other races . also the lack of confidence or i mean the way you start a conversation ,for instance 2 days a go i chatted that girl in the club and she first smiled then i had to begin the talk now i started talking about the university ,study and i realised she got boared and eventually left :(. i just wanna say its so difficult to initiate a conversation with girl who assume that you are stranger and therefore you must reasure her by your talent in talk . i wish some girls have suggestions of how they like or think how most girls like to be approached in order to accept meI just wanna know how to start a conversation with girls i fancy and i already a ware of many obstacles?
    girls just want a guy to be comfartable about anything just talk to a girl its not that bad!!!

    Y0U CAN D0 IT!!I just wanna know how to start a conversation with girls i fancy and i already a ware of many obstacles?
    This is why you are shy. You see a girl that you would like to meet, and then you talk yourself out of it -- by imagining all sorts of potential problems %26amp; obstacles. Quit doing that! Take yourself out back and slap yourself silly until you stop that annoying habit that is ruining your love life.

    A lack of confidence is a big turn off to many girls. No one wants a coward for a boyfriend.

    Aren't you a nice person? Don't you make a good friend? Then if she turns you down, then SHE is the one who missed out on getting to know someone as wonderful as you. YOU are the prize, not her, and don't you forget it. If she turns you down, then she has done you the favor of freeing you up to talk to someone who does appreciate you.

    Women like a sense of humor, so you can start a conversation with a small joke about something that she is doing, looking at, or wearing. Not only will this it make you seem fun, but it implies that you have some confidence because it implies that you are will to risk offending her (someone could potentially take the joke the wrong way, but this also serves as a screening function for you -- why date a prude with no sense of humor?).

    Don't talk about the university, that's boring. Talk about something light and fun (women want to have fun on a date, not engage in a classroom lecture). If you cannot think about anything funny to say, then walk up to her and ask her opinion on something regarding male/female relations, or the latest famous person's scandal (tell her that you are trying to settle a bet with a friend or something).

    And make sure that you make consistent eye contact with her while talking. if you are shy, and you tend to look down while talking, then she will think that you are looking at her boobs and get offended. If you are too nervous to maintain eye contact for long, then try to break eye contact by looking away horizontally as if you were looking for your friend, not by looking down. And don't slouch; it makes you look submissive and weak. Make a conscience effort to stand up straight.


    The best advice that I can think of is to forget for the moment that she is a hot girl. Think of her as a cool guy that you would like to be friends with, and talk to her accordingly. It is much easier to meet girls if you look at girls as people that you would like to meet, not as potential dates.
    i hate being hit on when the guy doesnt know me it makes me feel advice is dont act so confident and say your so direct and say i want to get to know you and act like a being honest everyday i get some guy saying yo sexy and it makes me a bit worried seeing as im just walking friendly not ';smooth';

    I really dont understand this question...If they wont talk to you just offer them money to sleep with you dude!!! It worked for me with Ms Georgie....50p for a night of pleasure.

    Tally HO!!!
    trust yrself and u will do it, there is no such called A WAY to approach, its chemistry only
    I completely understand how you feel because I was and still am in the exactly same position as you are. I, too, have difficulties talk to girls. Everybody says it is not that hard yet for me I just don't now what to talk to. Say I start some kind of conversation with a girl doesn't react well, or try to keep the conversation going, then I am the one who has to think up of another topic to ';talk about'; before I am done with the one I am currently talking about. If I don't, then there would be these awkward moments when both of us are silent. At least, that's what I think.

    How to chat with tamilnadu girls?

    trip to tamilnadu will helpHow to chat with tamilnadu girls?
    chat in tamil

    I need help with chatting up girls?

    i try and talk to girls but they just think i am anoying. But my mates do it perfectly and they all thinks there cute but i caint do it , can any one give me some tips besides asking my mates how they do it like stratergies on taking and how to restrict myself from talking to much stuff like that . I will be using msn ... Help me to talk to them and stuff and what to do and say besides how was your dayI need help with chatting up girls?
    ask them questions. if you have them on msn, you must know them, even if its not too well. plan ahead, and think of stuff you can both relate to, and get a convo going with, be it about school etc, anything. then just ask her questions, and when she answers you can just elaborate on what she's said. thats how you get started. the rest is on you, if you want to ask her out though, i'd suggest doing it in person.

    Please answer before its too late...And leave Ur question link and i'll answer Urs....Please Please Please?

    After i lost my virginity 2 mothns ago and then felt used when the person broke up with me..I had sex with this new guy i met.

    Well friday night we slept together and it was so romantic he hugged me the whole night and stuff.

    That morning after we finish having sex I told him that im going back to my country this week..He ask me for how long?I said to live there..Probably, im not coming back?Then he stayed quite..

    Our chatting

    Girl (9:59:25 PM):

    Papi can you let me know if want to see me tomorrow since im leaving Wednesday

    Say yes or no?

    Lately you're acting weird...If im bothering you let me know so i could stop doing it

    Anyways let me know if you can or not so i could stop wasting our time asking you..

    Boy (10:14:23 PM): so u seriousl;y leaviug tom?

    Girl (10:14:49 PM): You tought i was kidding?

    Boy (10:15:06 PM): no but okkk

    Girl (10:15:33 PM): I do NOT want to leave but if i tell you what is happening..You will be in shock

    Boy (10:15:44 PM): where r u going

    Girl (10:15:53 PM): Puerto Rico

    Boys (10:16:36 PM): its nice there

    Girl (10:16:43 PM): Nah..Its boring

    Girl (10:17:03 PM): Papi i want to see you tomorrow....

    Girl (10:17:22 PM): Im leaving wednesday at night time

    Girl (10:24:24 PM): Babe whats wrong..Why you quite?

    Boy (10:29:01 PM): whats the point

    Boy (10:29:04 PM): u leaving

    Boy (10:29:10 PM): why do u wanna see me

    Girl (10:29:25 PM): Because you mean something to me i do really want to see you

    Girl (10:30:01 PM): Is it hard to understand when someone wants to hug and kiss the person its attracted to

    Boy (10:30:27 PM): its ok hun

    Girl (10:30:35 PM): What you mean is okay

    Boy (10:30:36 PM): not everyone get what they wnats

    Girl (10:30:48 PM): Why are you acting like that?

    Girl (10:31:19 PM): ?

    Boy(10:31:34 PM): im actually kind pof jelious

    Boy (10:31:40 PM): i wanna go to pr

    Boy (10:31:41 PM): lol

    Girl (10:31:49 PM): Awww are you serious?

    Boy (10:31:50 PM): sick of ny

    Girl(10:31:54 PM): LOL

    Girl (10:32:03 PM): It might be nice with you lol

    Boy (10:32:11 PM): maybe

    Girl (10:32:17 PM): LOL

    Girl (10:32:35 PM): Please dirty boy i want to see you..I want to talk to you..Tell you things

    Girl (10:32:43 PM): Do chakachaka lol

    Boy (10:33:21 PM): lol no chakachaka

    Girl(10:33:35 PM): Is okay but why not?

    Girl (10:33:36 PM): lol

    Boy (10:34:00 PM): tired

    Girl (10:34:15 PM): Awww is okay

    Girl(10:34:26 PM): Just see you,hug you and kiss you is enought

    Boy(10:34:36 PM): for what lol

    Boy (10:34:47 PM): babe just have a good flight

    Girl (10:34:48 PM): OMG why are you acting like that..?

    Boy (10:34:55 PM): im really gonna miss u

    Boy (10:35:01 PM): u r very nice girl

    Girl(10:35:07 PM): Awwww


    Im confused

    What should i do?

    Should i cancel my fly?

    I always wanted a man who care about me..And i dont want to have it in front of me and walk away....

    Please..Tell me what you think i should do and what you think about him?????????????????????????????????

    No rude answers plzPlease answer before its too late...And leave Ur question link and i'll answer Urs....Please Please Please?
    No, honey, don't cancel your flight. This guy likes you...but not enough to ask you to stay, to go with you, or to even say goodbye. I think you should go, experience new things, meet new people...maybe even a better guy, and try and leave this behind you, because it's not worth risking your happiness for it. You say you don't want to walk away from a guy who really cares about you...from what you're telling me, I don't think he cares about you nearly as much as you deserve. But in the end, it's your choice, so I think you should just do what you think is right...and if it doesn't work, follow your heart.

    Best of luck :)Please answer before its too late...And leave Ur question link and i'll answer Urs....Please Please Please?
    only you know the answer
    i think he really does care bout u...if i were u i would cancel ur flight...u might regret leaving him...cause i can tell he really does like u
    He got what he wanted from you.

    He doesn't want a relationship with you.

    Do NOT cancel your flight. You'll be staying for nothing.

    I'm not being rude...just honest.
    if you love him, stay

    if you don't, leave

    i don't realli kno how you feel bout him but if i wuz in love i wouldnt leave that person
    He doesn't seem to care, why should you care? No don't cancel your flight for him. He is more jealous of you going to Puerto Rico and it's not him than hes actually sad because you are leaving.
  • Soiled Bed Sheets
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  • Please....This is extremely important...Help me before is too late ...Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!God will thank you?

    After i lost my virginity 2 mothns ago and then felt used when the person broke up with me..I had sex with this new guy i met.

    Well friday night we slept together and it was so romantic he hugged me the whole night and stuff.

    That morning after we finish having sex I told him that im going back to my country this week..He ask me for how long?I said to live there..Probably, im not coming back?Then he stayed quite..

    Our chatting

    Girl (9:59:25 PM):

    Papi can you let me know if want to see me tomorrow since im leaving Wednesday

    Say yes or no?

    Lately you're acting weird...If im bothering you let me know so i could stop doing it

    Anyways let me know if you can or not so i could stop wasting our time asking you..

    Boy (10:14:23 PM): so u seriousl;y leaviug tom?

    Girl (10:14:49 PM): You tought i was kidding?

    Boy (10:15:06 PM): no but okkk

    Girl (10:15:33 PM): I do NOT want to leave but if i tell you what is happening..You will be in shock

    Boy (10:15:44 PM): where r u going

    Girl (10:15:53 PM): Puerto Rico

    Boys (10:16:36 PM): its nice there

    Girl (10:16:43 PM): Nah..Its boring

    Girl (10:17:03 PM): Papi i want to see you tomorrow....

    Girl (10:17:22 PM): Im leaving wednesday at night time

    Girl (10:24:24 PM): Babe whats wrong..Why you quite?

    Boy (10:29:01 PM): whats the point

    Boy (10:29:04 PM): u leaving

    Boy (10:29:10 PM): why do u wanna see me

    Girl (10:29:25 PM): Because you mean something to me i do really want to see you

    Girl (10:30:01 PM): Is it hard to understand when someone wants to hug and kiss the person its attracted to

    Boy (10:30:27 PM): its ok hun

    Girl (10:30:35 PM): What you mean is okay

    Boy (10:30:36 PM): not everyone get what they wnats

    Girl (10:30:48 PM): Why are you acting like that?

    Girl (10:31:19 PM): ?

    Boy(10:31:34 PM): im actually kind pof jelious

    Boy (10:31:40 PM): i wanna go to pr

    Boy (10:31:41 PM): lol

    Girl (10:31:49 PM): Awww are you serious?

    Boy (10:31:50 PM): sick of ny

    Girl(10:31:54 PM): LOL

    Girl (10:32:03 PM): It might be nice with you lol

    Boy (10:32:11 PM): maybe

    Girl (10:32:17 PM): LOL

    Girl (10:32:35 PM): Please dirty boy i want to see you..I want to talk to you..Tell you things

    Girl (10:32:43 PM): Do chakachaka lol

    Boy (10:33:21 PM): lol no chakachaka

    Girl(10:33:35 PM): Is okay but why not?

    Girl (10:33:36 PM): lol

    Boy (10:34:00 PM): tired

    Girl (10:34:15 PM): Awww is okay

    Girl(10:34:26 PM): Just see you,hug you and kiss you is enought

    Boy(10:34:36 PM): for what lol

    Boy (10:34:47 PM): babe just have a good flight

    Girl (10:34:48 PM): OMG why are you acting like that..?

    Boy (10:34:55 PM): im really gonna miss u

    Boy (10:35:01 PM): u r very nice girl

    Girl(10:35:07 PM): Awwww


    Im confused

    What should i do?

    Should i cancel my fly?

    I always wanted a man who care about me..And i dont want to have it in front of me and walk away....

    Please..Tell me what you think i should do and what you think about him?????????????????????????????????

    No rude answers plzPlease....This is extremely important...Help me before is too late ...Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!God will thank you?
    I think he enjoyed sex with you, he likes you but doesnt ';love'; you.

    If you need to go to PR then go. You are seeing more in this relationship than he is.

    Good luck.Please....This is extremely important...Help me before is too late ...Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!God will thank you?
    he doesnt want to see u because he likes u alot.. and seeing u leave would jus wreck someone.. idk... there r many guys out there.. he cant b the one because obviously the u would kno but i think if he trying to get ovr it.. it would b wrong to cancel flight, im not sure but i stated wut i thought..
    its to hard for him, he doesnt want to see you because like he would just be the sad the whole time, and hes trying to be happy for you

    i think you should just show up at his house

    and be like i couldnt leave without seeing you

    one last time then kiss him and then i guess

    head to pr.
    Well if you want the truth here it is...

    Once your one night stand was over and he found out you were leaving he decided it wasnt worth it to try. Im sure you guys had a romantic night but guys can just switch it on and off to please you but he dosent like you. he thinks your nice and sweet but you were beign a little pushy for an answer and it might have pushed him away a little bit. hes probebly a little upset that your going away so soon and he wishes you could stay a little longer but do not cancell your flight that would be rediculous cause you just met this guy and he dosent realy treat you too well when your not with him. all guys act like you mean everythign to them in person and then when your talking online or texting its another story and they dont really show they care.there are so many other guys out there, and i think that your so hurt fromn the last guy that hurt you thatyou just want someone there for you to replace him. but you have to be patient casue that buy it not the one. youll find a really hot guy in puerto rico trust me=]

    Should i tell him that i stayed for him?Please help me...?

    After i lost my virginity 2 mothns ago and then felt used when the person broke up with me..I had sex with this new guy i met.

    Well friday night we slept together and it was so romantic he hugged me the whole night and stuff.

    That morning after we finish having sex I told him that im going back to my country this week..He ask me for how long?I said to live there..Probably, im not coming back?Then he stayed quite..

    Our chatting

    Girl (9:59:25 PM):

    Papi can you let me know if want to see me tomorrow since im leaving Wednesday

    Say yes or no?

    Lately you're acting weird...If im bothering you let me know so i could stop doing it

    Anyways let me know if you can or not so i could stop wasting our time asking you..

    Boy (10:14:23 PM): so u seriousl;y leaviug tom?

    Girl (10:14:49 PM): You tought i was kidding?

    Boy (10:15:06 PM): no but okkk

    Girl (10:15:33 PM): I do NOT want to leave but if i tell you what is happening..You will be in shock

    Boy (10:15:44 PM): where r u going

    Girl (10:15:53 PM): Puerto Rico

    Boys (10:16:36 PM): its nice there

    Girl (10:16:43 PM): Nah..Its boring

    Girl (10:17:03 PM): Papi i want to see you tomorrow....

    Girl (10:17:22 PM): Im leaving wednesday at night time

    Girl (10:24:24 PM): Babe whats wrong..Why you quite?

    Boy (10:29:01 PM): whats the point

    Boy (10:29:04 PM): u leaving

    Boy (10:29:10 PM): why do u wanna see me

    Girl (10:29:25 PM): Because you mean something to me i do really want to see you

    Girl (10:30:01 PM): Is it hard to understand when someone wants to hug and kiss the person its attracted to

    Boy (10:30:27 PM): its ok hun

    Girl (10:30:35 PM): What you mean is okay

    Boy (10:30:36 PM): not everyone get what they wnats

    Girl (10:30:48 PM): Why are you acting like that?

    Girl (10:31:19 PM): ?

    Boy(10:31:34 PM): im actually kind pof jelious

    Boy (10:31:40 PM): i wanna go to pr

    Boy (10:31:41 PM): lol

    Girl (10:31:49 PM): Awww are you serious?

    Boy (10:31:50 PM): sick of ny

    Girl(10:31:54 PM): LOL

    Girl (10:32:03 PM): It might be nice with you lol

    Boy (10:32:11 PM): maybe

    Girl (10:32:17 PM): LOL

    Girl (10:32:35 PM): Please dirty boy i want to see you..I want to talk to you..Tell you things

    Girl (10:32:43 PM): Do chakachaka lol

    Boy (10:33:21 PM): lol no chakachaka

    Girl(10:33:35 PM): Is okay but why not?

    Girl (10:33:36 PM): lol

    Boy (10:34:00 PM): tired

    Girl (10:34:15 PM): Awww is okay

    Girl(10:34:26 PM): Just see you,hug you and kiss you is enought

    Boy(10:34:36 PM): for what lol

    Boy (10:34:47 PM): babe just have a good flight

    Girl (10:34:48 PM): OMG why are you acting like that..?

    Boy (10:34:55 PM): im really gonna miss u

    Boy (10:35:01 PM): u r very nice girl

    Girl(10:35:07 PM): Awwww

    So yesterday i decided to stay because something is holding me back...Like i cant leave....And he been acting rude and telling me to have a good flight...Like being sarcastic...

    Should i tell him that i stayed for him?Should i tell him that i stayed for him?Please help me...?

    First off, I gotta tell you a thing or two about relationships that most girls these days aren't getting, but it's fundamental to know if you want real love...and don't want to get used up..

    even back during the times when humans were created, guys were the hunters, women were the gatherers. Guys fought each other for a woman. It was normal. Girls need to be more mysterious, not to ignore guys too much, but let the guys chase them just enough that they will have to work for what they want.

    Girls are like apples on an apple tree, the ones at the top only a few guys go after because they know they're not easy to get and are very special, so not as many make them climb. The ones at the bottom are easier to get, and guys can tell by the way these girls dress and act, how these girls disrespect their bodies and their minds, thus making many guys want them for only one

    if you want a guy to love you, you need to teach him how to respect you. If he don't respect you, be that strong Puerto Rican girl you are and leave. Puerto Ricans are sexy we don't need all that bullshit, do you have any idea how many guys would LOVE to be with a Puerto Rican girl?

    Guys are made to chase, let them chase you.

    Go ahead and tell him you stayed for him, have the guts. But if he don't respect you still and keeps making those annoying sarcastic comments, have the guts to tell him you're not putting up with that and leave.Should i tell him that i stayed for him?Please help me...?
    Im not reading all that........
    If I'm reading the messages right, then it's probably that he was interested in you, but I think it was it, he cannot promise you anything. Rather than for him, you stayed for yourself, because you wanted to be with him.

    If I were you, I wouldn't have stayed for something like that. I don't see the point of telling him why you stay anyway, because it's for you, not for him. Not telling him probably makes it very uncomfortable for you, because I think you felt like you sacrificed something for him without being appreciated. But well, telling him? You're putting pressure onto him, and we all know, you cannot force a person to get attached to someone.

    Live you life for yourself, and best of luck to you!
    Not yet. See where it is heading. If after a while y'all get serious then tell him.

    How to chat to a girl I've never met?

    Hi, I'm sitting in the refectory at college with my mate and there's a really nice couple girls sitting at the next table that we want to talk to. What is the best way to approach them from our situation? Thanks, best quickest response 10 points, cheers people xHow to chat to a girl I've never met?
    Have no ulterior motive but getting to know them, and making sure they're comfortable with the conversation. Then go over, ask if they mind if you join 'em, and introduce yourselves. Then just get to know them: ask what they're studying, what they do for fun, etc. The rest will happen naturally if it's going to happen**, or won't, if it's not.

    ** Assuming you've taken the time to be happy with yourself before you try to share yourself with someone else.How to chat to a girl I've never met?
    just say hello

    and say something nice to them

    or make a joke

    that will help break the ice
    Go sit at the table next to them and introduce yourselves. They won't bite.
    Pick up lines:

    Do you know karate, because your body is kicking.

    Are you jamacin, because you jamacin me crazy
    Well if they are in the same classes as you then you can talk to them about that.
    grow a set %26amp; just do it!
    go as a question, like if they know where something really close by is and say you've walked by a couple of times and couldn't see it.

    Then ask whoever shows you were it is if she'd like to go for coffee sometime
    ';hi i am ...... can we sit down with you two';
    just say ';hey, whats up?';

    and they'll either start talking to you, or pull out the pepperspray. but sometimes u gotta take that chance.
    Decide to do it.

    Put a pleasant smile on your face.

    Stand up.

    Walk over.

    Say ';hello, how are you today?';

    If they have any interest, they will smile back and respond. If they don't smile back, or smile in a ';bad way';, or tell you to get lost, then drop back and reconsider.
    Try going up to them and saying hi then just make random conversation like ';have you completed that essay'; it may work you never know
    Find common ground to relate to. You are both in college, so even an obvious question such as asking where something is located on campus will break the ice. If you share similar studies, ask her for help with work of what is her opinion on your current classes. Or just ask her what she is studying and planning to major in. Take interest in what she is doing.
    Be confident, use your guts and start making to them.

    Some of the best possible options

    When the girls r next you and your mate, listen to their topics and think of the best thing to say and join in.(if you have massive confidence)

    Or say hello, ask for their names and ask what are they talking about and continue form there. If not then you have to start a conversation where you could talk about yourself or the girls.

    Anyways goodluck with whatever you choose.
    Just say hello, focus on her - not worrying about anyone else, be you're self making casual conversation and listen to watch she says without looking at her boobs
    Listen to their conversation and see if there is anything that you can actually relate to. If there isnt, ask questions about what their talking about. For example they may be talking about tuition on campus and you could say something like do you know what it cost to go to our school? Or what do you think of the chancellor raising our tuition? It can be anything? You could go with off the wall stuff and say ';hey who do you think hogs the covers more, men or women?

    Let them answer and then you give them a genuine response. All you are trying to do is open them up for conversation. Once youve done that you can continue to be inquisitive, but in a way that sparks their attention and attraction towards you. Hope that gets you moving in the right direction
    ha ha ha, This is easy..

    Do something funny, anything and laugh out loud....not so loud thou, and glare at them with a smile...If the girls look and smile back, wait for the right moment and ask them something random...but try to sound casual.... Make sure u don檛 look nervous or anything?haha Cuz dat really scks.
    Most important thing you should remember is just be yourselves, dont be overly excited and social. Be laid back and smile when needed and talk to them like you talk to your guy mates.

    Girls just want to see assurance that you know yourself and arent led by your emotions.
    be i just saw you from over there and you are lookin fine can we sit with you hope that i have helped love mickey
    just be confident and introduce yourself in nice way i suggest also to watch this video at

    it is about 3 Steps To Approach Any Woman Anywhere Anytime