Monday, December 12, 2011

How to be better at talking to girls?

OK, guys-- I really need help! I suck at talking to girls... In fact, I just suck at talking to people in general. I have a very small circle of friends and even though I am friendly to everyone I talk to, I just don't seem to have the kind of charm that draws in girls, or friends in general! I'm just a really shy guy. Anyway, today I blew it! What happened, you ask? Well, it was my first day of university today and I was lost, but of course, I wasn't the only one who was lost on campus-- today, I met the prettiest and sweetest girl I've ever seen in my life and we were both lost, both looking for the same building, so she approached me to ask if I knew where we were going. Well, I responded accordingly, and then we were walking in silence trying to figure out where to go. Because she was really friendly, she was really making an effort to try and have a conversation, but stupid me had nothing to say to her at all! I was quite tongue tied and eventually, we parted ways without even a goodbye! Now I feel really rotten because of my inept social skills. I mean, how lucky for me to actually be approached by a pretty girl who actually wants to have a conversation... AND I BLEW IT!! Don't get me wrong-- I'm not saying I wanted to make her my girlfriend or anything like that (FIRST DAY??!), I just wish I was a better conversationalist! If I was, I might have made a new friend today, but I really suck and I feel bad. I've never had a girlfriend before, and to be honest, I only have one or two female friends who I sometimes talk to, but other than that, I don't really know how to talk to girls at all. I have only brothers, and almost entirely male friends. I've decided that university is the start of adult life and I want NOW to be the time when I turn things around, otherwise I may never have a girlfriend until I'm old and wealthy (and she'll only want me for my money XD!!) But anyway, please help-- how can I be better at chatting up girls? Bear in mind, I'm really shy and quite withdrawn, but I'd like to change that. Please help with any tips/advice? Thanks. ;)How to be better at talking to girls?
Man, I'm getting really tired- literally, I'm yawning right now, I think I'm on the internets too much.

First, may I *cringe* for a second? Man, that sucks. That girl sounded really, really cute and friendly, and at the very least, you could've had a hot acquaintance to see around campus.

But what I tell other guys in your situation I'll tell you. You'll never be good with girls if you don't practice being confident and charming around them. You need to stop being afraid of rejection and just start talking to all different types of girls. Make drastic changes to your lifestyle and how you view yourself- the steps you take are ultimately up to you. But either way, if you want to talk to more girls and be attractive to women, you need to start talking to them.You can be confident and attractive- you just need to believe in yourself and work hard (Wow, I sound like a Disney movie).

Trust me, if you don't overcome this fear now, it'll be much harder to do so later in life.

Ok, sleep time for me, but please, even if you don't want to give me best answer or anything, send me an email or add me as a contact or something, and I'll for sure get back to you- I'll give you more detailed tips and advice.How to be better at talking to girls?
i no you asked for guys but this is my take i love shy guys and if you want to make conversation just talk about something random like the weather although that is kid of cliche at least shell know that your trying and that means a lot no matter what though dont make it awkward that always leads to a quick goodbye.
Relax, you have a whole semester wtih her so chances are you will see her again. Approach her like one of the guys, ask her how she's doing, what shes majoring etc etc. Don't drag out the conversations too long at first. Girls like a clean guy, fresh hair cut, clean shaved, healthy skin. Hit up the gym and get fit not only will it boost your energy level but it attracts women. Go out and have fun, you'll just have to go out and approach people and talk to them knowing that they may ignore youu, and if they don't than you succeeded on fighting your fear. good luck
Just relax and imagine you're talking to a guy-- remember, girls are humans too and you talk to them in the same way you talk to anyone else. There really aren't any ';special rules'; or anything. Just be yourself, and forget about the person'r femininity and just think of it as talking to anyone else who you talk to. Other than that, being fit and smart will not only boost your chances, but it will boost your confidence as well because you'll feel good about yourself. If you can learn to appreciate yourself, then other people, girls included, will start to like and appreciate you too. good luck.
The easiest way to improve your conversational skills is to ask a lot of open ended questions. It forces the other person to do most of the talking and makes you seem smarter and more interested
hmmm... it's tough to overcome shyness and social awkwardness, but it is definitely possible. i think the best way is just to throw yourself into social situations. join a club, a debate team, attend concerts, events, whatever. find a good friend that will do these things with you. your friend will ease the social situations, make you more comfortable, and actually help you open conversations with people and make new friends. the more practice you have, the more comfortable you will become talking to new people. you will probably still be pretty shy, but i think what matters is that you are able to build a level of comfort in social situations in which you can be yourself. i'm a pretty shy person as well, but i've grown pretty confident from the sociable atmosphere that i've pushed myself into many a times.

oh yes, and girls like guys who are confident. if you aren't confident tallking to people in general, i think you need to improve on that before you starting focusing on talking to girls. once confidence is built, talking to girls will just come naturally.

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